My House is Poison-Proofed! – Kitchen & Household Products

Print off & complete this checklist in order to ensure that your kitchen and household products are "poison-proofed". Don't be afraid to get down on your hands and knees to get a child's perspective.

Identify all the potential poisons in your kitchen

  • Dishwashing Liquid
  • Dishwasher Powder
  • Household Cleaners

There may also be Vitamins, Medicines, Alcohol, Flysprays, Pot plants, and possibly many others

Household Products

__ Remove household products from easily accessible places such as under the sink

__ Are they all in their original containers?

__ Do the containers have clear and legible labels detailing the name and ingredients

__ Do the containers have child-resistant closures that have been put back on correctly?

__ Are you familiar with the product use, personal protection & safety recommendations, storage directions and follow these every time you use the product?

__ Do you rinse & dispose of empty household product containers appropriately, including ensuring the trash can has a firmly attached lid

__ Put all household products out of reach and out of sight in a high, locked cupboard with a child safety latch. Remember to put away immediately after each & every use

Other Kitchen Hints

__ Ensure no toxic products are stored with food or in food containers

__ When spraying fly spray, ensure all food is covered and surfaces wiped down after

The Next Step

__ Have the National Poison Centre phone number 0800 Poison (764 766) next to every phone in your home

__ Learn what to expect when calling the poison centre: Calling the NPC

Follow these guidelines for any household products also found in other rooms - Household cleaners & products may also be found in the bathroom, laundry or garage

Identify anything else in the kitchen that is commonly found in other rooms and follow those appropriate guidelines too

Now that your Kitchen is poison-proof, now let's choose another room and move on:
Bathroom & Medicines
Laundry & Bleaches/cleaners
The Garden Shed & Chemicals

By checking off this list, you've made a great start to minimising the risk of poisoning in your kitchen - Don't be complacent though - Review this list on a regular basis, as situations can change quickly, when children are growing and learning so quickly. Always be poison-aware, especially when you visit other houses or visitors come to stay. Children act fast and so do poisons!